It is said that dream catchers originated in the ancient Ojibwa (Chippewa) Nation. However over time, other Native american nations too started adapting to this culture — it is said that a traditional form of dream catchers was hung around beds of sleeping children to protect them of evil spirits, which were quite common in that time.

Since we sleep on the bed, dream catchers too are hung above the bed. It is important that wherever the dream catcher is hung, that place should receive ample sunlight. This way, when the first ray if sun strikes the dream catcher, all the negative energy caught in the structure get destroyed.

For the uninitiated, dream catchers do not have much to do with literally catching your dreams. Dream catchers are essentially good luck charms. While placed in the right place, it is said to dispel bad energies and let positivity shine through — it is said that it keeps you relaxed while sleeping.

Most of us are quite fascinated by a dream catcher — but what exactly is a dream catcher? A dream catcher is a handmade object woven around a string and is decorated with many beautiful and sacred objects such as beads, charms, wind chimes etc. Apart from looking beautiful, dream catchers have a spiritual significance too.